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Letter of Support

DA/42661/2020/V23R LOT 1, WARNER RD, WARNER (RP92508)

Loney Michael

We need your help!

No doubt you have experienced firsthand the issues that we as a society have faced over the past year with COVID and as the year progressed, we find ourselves in the middle of a burgeoning housing affordability crisis across South East Queensland and now is the time to act!

Ausbuild has lodged a development application over a large parcel of land in Warner that is lawfully capable of being developed into a residential community which importantly would deliver land and housing to the market among other major pieces of infrastructure that will create jobs and support our industry.


The application is out for Public Advertising whereby people can make submissions for or against the proposal, and there are some well organised members of the community that are against the development and are rallying against our proposal.

We are seeking your support.

We have until this Friday the 23rd of April to approach industry players like yourselves and ask you to support the development.

Development and construction are an essential service contributing to the local and state economies on a massive scale. There is already a lack of land in South East Queensland for detached housing as it stands and we need to work together to have a voice against those that are anti-development.

Housing is not a want, it is a need, and people need housing choice.

We must send a strong message to the council that we have a voice, that we stand together when times are tough and support development and the many benefits that this entails the economy, the industry and for our families.

To show your support please click the link above! Your support will be registered, and you will help support our industry.

Thank you for your continued support.

Michael Loney
Joint Managing Director