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CRG Selection Criteria


Words by Ausbuild

Sept 24, 20212 min read

Ausbuild is calling on interested community members to apply to become a CRG member.

Applicants will need to respond to questions relating to their interest in becoming a member of the CRG outlined on the Ausbuild website.

Please provide the following information in your application:

Phone Number
Household Structure

Selection Criteria 1:

In 300 words or less, please describe how you are involved in your local community (either currently or in the past) and why you would be a good community representative on The Sanctuary South Community Reference Group.

Selection Criteria 2:

In 200 words or less, please tell us about yourself and what skills or special interests you intend to bring to participate constructively in The Sanctuary South Community Reference Group. If you have any conflicts of interest (please see the Terms of Reference), please outline them here.

Applications can be made through the Shaping Places website at shapingplaces.com.au/crg.

Applications open on 22 September 2021 with nominations closing on 10 October 2021. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing.